How Many Brazilian Zoukers Are In The World?

Spread the love for Brazilian Zouk

?Active Brazilian Zouker Global Population Spreadsheet

In the popular ‘Anything Brazilian Zouk Related‘ Facebook group, Lucinda Al posted a very interesting question wondering how many Brazilian Zoukers are there in the world?

This inspired me to create a spreadsheet to help record how many estimated Brazilian Zouk dancers are in the World and growing every year. Please help SHARE to your local groups and ask your community members to help come up with an estimate of the population in their local city and add it to this spreadsheet which I’ve created. All of this collected information will always be made available to the public! This will certainly make interesting research to see how our dance community will grow over the next decade!

?Active Brazilian Zouker Global Population Spreadsheet

Spread the love for Brazilian Zouk


  1. To make the spreadsheet live to it’s full potential, it could also have a comment field for each city. That could have contact information for the scene or anything else relevant

    • Hey Lynoure, Great suggestion but I was trying to keep the spreadsheet clean and for the purpose of a statistic because if you visit the homepage of this website, it already has a tool to find the relevant links to their countries, cities, and community groups. 🙂

    • Thank you! I’ve added it in now, could you please add a guess/estimate? (if you know!). If you do find other cities missing, please help add it in by right-clicking the left column and ADD ROW. This list of cities was generated based on >300,000 population spreadsheet downloaded from the online resource: So it may not include cities all, but it was a good starting point 🙂 Again thank you for letting me know 😀

  2. You should have a column where each community can post a link to their Page/ FB so you can get in touch with the local community when you’re travelling 🙂

    • Hi Andrea, thanks for this suggestion, however it will make the spreadsheet become extremely busy and distract from the original purpose. As mentioned to another previous comment from another user, we have our Zouk school and social party global search tool on the homepage of this website already. Users should be using that if they want to find communities when travelling 🙂

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